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Original title: Byť zmenou
English title: To be a change
Running time: 42:49 min.
Year of manufacture: 2020
Made by: producer : EDUMA, n.o., for EDUMA, n.o. produced by the production company Art Society s.r.o.
Country: Slovak Republic
Director: Magda Kmeťková, Roman Hraník

Original title: Byť zmenou
English title: To be a change
Running time: 42:49 min.
Year of manufacture: 2020
Made by: producer : EDUMA, n.o., for EDUMA, n.o. produced by the production company Art Society s.r.o.
Country: Slovak Republic
Director: Magda Kmeťková, Roman Hraník


Being a change is a time-lapse film about the search for a minimum quality of life for young people in Slovakia. The film was made from May 2019 to August 2020 and depicts the story of young people from vulnerable groups who want something fundamental to change in our society. More at: https://www.artsociety.sk/l/byt-zmenou/