Razzouk Tattoo
Original title: Yoresh Hakakuim
English name: Razzouk Tattoo
Running time: 68 min.
Year of manufacture: 2022
Produced by: Orit Ofir Ronell
Country: Israel
Director: Orit Ofir Ronell

Original title: Yoresh Hakakuim
English name: Razzouk Tattoo
Running time: 68 min.
Year of manufacture: 2022
Produced by: Orit Ofir Ronell
Country: Israel
Director: Orit Ofir Ronell


Wassim Razzouk, the sole heir to a 500-year-old line of Coptic Christian tattooists who tattooed pilgrims in the Old City of Jerusalem, decided to complete his collection of ancient wooden stencils before they were lost forever. In his search, he uncovers some dark secrets that have been hidden in the family, leading to an unsolved murder.